AgroPy 5EW

An advanced natural formulation for the control of insect pests in organic crops based on natural Pyrethrum from African Chrysanthemums (Tanacetum Cinerariaefolium)

About AgroPy 5EW

AgroPy 5EW is a contact insecticide for use on all outdoor and protected crops against chewing and sucking pests including aphids, (blackfly and greenfly), caterpillars, whitefly, red spider mite, capsids, mirids, cocoa borer and antestia bug.

AgroPy 5EW is very crop safe and can be used in a wide range of crops including cocoa, coffee, vegetables, fruit, and broad acre crops such as wheat and maize.

Advantages of AgroPy 5EW

  • Water based solvent free.
  • Non-Flammable.
  • Contains no piperonyl butoxide.
  • 24-hour harvest interval with no residues in the harvest crop.
  • Designed for use by organic farmers.
  • Compatible with IPM systems.
  • Eligible and suitable for use in Organic farming in accordance with the European
    Union EC No. 834/2007 & 889/2008 Regulations and NOP by ECOCERT
  • Does not contaminate the environment.
  • Extremely rapid environmental breakdown to biodegradable materials.


The importance of AgroPy 5EW in Organic food production.

AgroPy 5EW can be used in many diverse high quality crops worldwide such as cocoa, coffee, fruit & vegetables (hard & soft). Growers around the world have come to rely on Pyrethrum for its fast-acting control of insect pests without the contamination of the crop with toxic pesticide residues.

AgroPy 5EW, being specifically designed for local farmers is affordable, effective, and acts as an insurance that crops being grown will be pesticide residue free upon harvest. This is critical as the quality of our food is directly linked to the health of its consumers.

AgroPy 5EW Efficacy

Pyrethrum is a natural fast acting contact insecticide and such it depends on the spray reaching the insect pest. Often insects can be located in protected areas of a crop for e.g. under a leaf, or protected by a dense crop canopy. It is therefore recommended that AgroPy 5EW is used with a fine spray nozzle to minimize droplet size and at higher than normal pressure to encourage penetration of all parts of the crop.

Cocoa Crop Spraying – Back-pack spraying and mist blowing sprayers

The final spray concentration recommendation is reached by diluting 36.35ml to 5litres with water. Spray to provide a fine mist covering to maximise contact of the spray with the target insect.

Dense canopy covered crops such as cocoa may require a higher water volume to ensure good coverage.

1. Open Crop
2. Intermediate density crop
3. Dense crop
7.27ml to 1 litres


Coffee & Tea Crop Spraying – Back-pack spraying and mist blowing sprayers

The final spray concentration recommendation is reached by diluting 20ml to 5litres of water. Spray to provide a fine mist covering to maximise contact of the spray with the target insect.

Dense canopy covered crops such as Coffee & Tea may require a higher water volume to ensure good coverage.

1. Open Crop
2. Intermediate density crop
3. Dense crop
4ml to 1 litre
2ml to 1 litre
1.5ml to 1 litre


Maize Crop Spraying – Fall ArmywormBack-pack spraying and mist blowing sprayers

The final spray concentration recommendation is reached by diluting 40ml to 5litres of water. Spray to provide a fine mist covering to maximise contact of the spray with the target insect. Highly insect infested crops may require a higher water volume to ensure good coverage.

1. Highly infested Crop
2. Intermediate infested crop
3. lightly infested crop

8ml to 1 litre
6ml to 1 litre
4ml to 1 litre


Soft & Hard fruit and Vegetable Crop Spraying
Back-pack spraying and mist blowing sprayers

The final spray concentration recommendation is reached by diluting 20ml to 5litres of water. Spray to provide a fine mist covering to maximise contact of the spray with the target insect. Highly insect infested crops may require a higher water volume to ensure good coverage.

1. Highly infested Crop
2. Intermediate infested crop
3. lightly infested crop

4ml to 1 litre
2ml to 1 litre
1.5ml to 1 litre

AgroPy 5EW, has a broad spectrum of activity against chewing and sucking pests and will kill insects in both the larvae and adult stages.

AgroPy 5EW summary:

The short persistence of AgroPy 5EW, coupled with its stability and acceptance to most certification bodies add to its unique positive attributes for organic cocoa production. Additionally, unlike many conventional insecticides, AgroPy 5EW does not destroy the ecological balance since non-target organisms recover within 28 days or sooner after its use.

The maximum residue limit of 0.5mg/kg makes AgroPy 5EW safe to use because it breaks down fast after its use in the environment and does not leave the risk of residue on the crop it has been sprayed on such as cocoa, coffee, vegetables, fruit, and broad acre crops such as wheat and maize.

AgroPy 5EW is:

  • Certified with CRIG (Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana)
  • Registered with the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency of Ghana)
  • Registered with MINAGRI / RALIS
  • Certified with ECOCERT under EU and NOP.
  • Certified with RSB (Rwanda Standard Board) for conformity to quality standard (S-mark)
  • AgroPy 5EW is manufactured by ISO 9001:2015 certified company.

12 x 1 Litre per outer box.